Health care in Portugal

Actually there are around 30,000 Doctors and about 30,000 hospital beds. There are reciprocal health agreements with several European countries. The agreement with the UK allows free in-patient treatment in general wards of official hospitals to those presenting UK passports (other EU nationals must present form E111).

Secondary examinations, X-rays and laboratory tests may have to be paid for. A nominal charge will be made for medical treatment at health centres (Centro de Sade). There may be a charge for prescribed medicines.

All dental treatment must be paid for. This agreement is also effective in Madeira and the Azores (although in Madeira a fee must be paid for a GP consultation, which can then be refunded by an appointed bank). Those wishing to take advantage of it should inform the doctor prior to treatment that they wish to be treated under EU social security arrangements. Private treatment must be paid for in full. Medical fees paid whilst in Portugal cannot be reimbursed by the British NHS.

Hospitals in Portugal

Finding a hospital that is right for you and your family can often seem challenging, especially when you are searching for a health facility that caters to any special needs or treatments you may need for your loved ones. Comparing hospitals and various options you have available to choose from before making your decision is highly recommended. Using online hospital guides is one way to gain insight into the type of medical services near you while also helping you save time from comparing each hospital near you in person.

Before practicing sports, you must have a good fitness condition and check some values as your Basal metabolic rate (calories you consume daily) to avoid risks in some medical centers or hospitals in Portugal. Also, Internet provides you instructions to how to calculate your BMR with the basal metabolic rate formula. Also you can visit in Portugal some medical specialist for a complete results.

Why Use a Hospital Guide?

When you use a hospital compare guide it is possible to review all of the physicians and specialists available at all hospitals near you before visiting one. Using a hospital guide can give you insight into the various types of treatments available at each hospital near you, which can come in handy when determining the best option for you or your family members.

Additionally, you can also find more information about the research being conducted out of each hospital you have available near you. Learning more about each hospital available near you is a way to feel more comfortable and confident when it comes time to choose the medical care facility right for you.

Putting hospital guides to use can be extremely helpful whether you are dealing with an emergency and need to find the exact location of a hospital or if you are searching for physicians and specialists who are skilled enough to handle any illness or ailment you may have.